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Cancer Research UK

Visionaries Philanthropy Identity

campaign design editorial design

Visionaries is an exclusive group of high value donors, who have left a gift to Cancer Research UK in their Will. Their legacy donation will go towards life-saving research and support of people living with cancer.

The Visionaries visual identity exists as a subcategory of the always-on More Research, Less Cancer (MRLC) philanthropy campaign. MRLC is a public facing campaign that targets a broad audience to drive donations for cancer research, by putting the stories of people living with cancer at the forefront. Visionaries is an extension of this campaign,  tailored to a high value audience with an emphasis on the researchers, academia and institutions that gifts in Wills help to fund.


Editorial design, campaign design, image editing, Photoshop, Indesign


Campaign creative, donor gifts and merchandise, Visionaries brochures, guides for professionals, style guides

Creative execution.

The challenge

To create a bespoke subcategory of the wider More Research, Less Cancer philanthropic campaign creative for a high-value audience. This must include black and white imagery utilised in MRLC – a departure from the charity’s usual image guidelines, making both MRLC and Visionaries distinct from all other Cancer Research UK creative.

It should also be represented through design how the messaging and intention of the Visionaries collateral differs from the broader public-facing campaign.

The solution

Within the MRLC campaign colour has been used with intention. To separate Visionaries from MRLC, a more limited use of the brand colour palette was implemented. This involved removing the primary brand colour, navy, and significantly reducing the use of magenta through-out that creative. 

Cyan is used when discussing a benefit or a desired outcome, with the magenta being used to denote a concept that aims to be reduced or minimised by advances in cancer research, creating an emotional tie, grounding the case studies and experiences of those living with cancer for the broad public audience. For the high-value donor, the messaging does not lean into the individual experience as heavily. Instead the focus is on what impact can be made at an institutional level and the researchers making breakthroughs, as also seen in the emphasis on ‘more’ statements and fewer ‘less’ statements. 

The reduced colour application, combined with other visual elements not used within MRLC, facilitates a clean, minimalist and professional aesthetic that suits the high-value donor audience and their needs.

Campaign Design Editorial Design Featured

Visionaries Philanthropy Identity

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